• Below are a few reasons or suggestions to help you with your search.

    • No performances are currently scheduled for the venue, date, or artist you may have selected.

    • Marshall Arts Ltd will only list an event after all information is confirmed with artist management. Events are always listed in time to purchase the day tickets are put on sale.

    • Check the proper spelling of the artist, band, or venue. All words must be spelled correctly.

    • Check to see you entered the proper Search Type and the corresponding artist, city, post code, or venue.

    • Make sure there is spacing between your words (i.e. Paul McCartney, not PaulMcCartney)

    • Try a different search method. Search by city or post code instead of artist name or venue name.

    • Online - Buy Tickets link provided by marshall-arts.com

    • Phone - You may purchase tickets by calling the local ticketing service for the venue. The number is often found on the venue website provided.

    • Box Office - You may purchase tickets directly at the venue box office. Check the venue website for specific business hours.

    • Outlet - You may purchase tickets directly at a local retailer. Check the venue website for local retail outlets.

    Please always use an authorised ticket agent. We use the following agents:

    Alt Tickets



    See Tickets

    The Ticket Factory


    Ticket Quarter


    Event Travel (VIP and hospitality packages)

    Other authorised ticket agents may be used for your event. Please contact us if your chosen agent doesnt appear above.

  • Please visit our contact us page to request more information.

  • Marshall Arts Ltd is unfortunately not able to grant or forward requests for donations, charity tickets, or request for special circumstances such as private meet & greets with or on behalf any band or festival. We suggest you contact that band directly through their official website, social media or contacting their Agent, Publicist, or Manager directly. Marshall Arts Ltd regrets we do not have the ability to help locate contact information for each band due to the large volume of shows offered.

  • Directions for most shows can be found on the venue's official site. Directions may also be available on the official ticketing company's website for the specific event.

  • Tickets Haven’t Arrived

    Please contact your ticketing company for the event if you have not received your tickets within 7 days prior to the event. They have information to track your order and can recommend a solution.

    Tickets Are Lost or Damaged

    Please contact your ticketing company for the event directly regarding lost or damaged tickets. They have information to track your order and recommend a solution.

    For tickets purchased through Artist Fan Club or another organisation you should contact that organisation directly for information.

  • Please call the ticketing company for the cancelled or postponed event to receive a refund or exchange for that event.

    Check your confirmation email for the name of the ticketing company through which your tickets were purchased.

    Several venues operate their own ticketing system. Please visit the specific venue website for information.