Marshall Arts supports #BlackoutTuesday

Blackout Tuesday

This Tuesday, 2 June, we will join our colleagues in supporting #BlackoutTuesday.

Martin Luther King had a dream. Almost 60 years ago. His voice called for change. It is disheartening to see that so many of his dreams have recently been losing some momentum.

Fortunately music continues to unite the world. The influence and thread of black music through many decades has impacted on the hearts and souls of fellow musicians and listeners, spreading joy globally, in an industry where talents are judged to be equal. Something to celebrate and hold on to.

It has been a privilege to witness and share these incredible talents throughout Marshall Arts’ history including our concert for Nelson Mandela to honour his 70th Birthday in 1988 at Wembley Stadium, to acknowledge his sacrifice whilst he was still in Robben Island.

In these troubled times, it’s time for talking, not looting. Discussions, not shooting.

It’s time for change. RISE UP for good. To let music’s healing power continue to treat all people with the equality and respect that is deserved.

The injustice which continues to exist in all society must stop. We must all join together to find a way to a peaceful resolution, where respect is the key and blatant abuse of power disappears.

Then perhaps another man’s life will not have been lost in vain.

#BlackLivesMatter #TheShowMustBePaused